Glutamine is in essence, the mother of all amino acids. Technically speaking, glutamine is not considered an essential amino acid. The body can manufacture glutamine by the use of other amino acids, but in times of stress (weight training is stress) the body demands so much glutamine that the body can't produce enough of it. In times of stress, glutamine supplementation can make a world of difference. In fact, in many European hospitals glutamine is treated like a drug and administered to patients suffering from stress or trauma (surgery, burns, disease, etc.). Studies have shown this type of glutamine supplementation can prevent muscle wasting -- it produces a potent anti-catabolic effect. 1, 2
Make no mistake, our bodies use a lot of glutamine every single day! Glutamine is required in mega-quantities to maintain the proper function of your immune system, kidneys, pancreas, gallbladder, and liver (basically, the whole gut). Glutamine is also a nitrogen transporter -- it allows ammonia to be removed from some areas of the body (your brain and lungs in particular) and deposited into others (your intestines and kidneys). Glutamine is also used as the building blocks for what is most likely your body's most powerful antioxidant, glutathione. Glutamine also is important for proper muscle glycogen deposition.
As an added benefit, glutamine is one of the few amino acids that causes extra growth hormone release; in fact, just a two-gram oral dose of glutamine was shown to cause a fourfold increase in growth hormone levels. 3 I could go on and on about the benefits of glutamine supplementation, but suffice it to say, this amino acid is in high demand in your body -- you need a bunch of it for a whole lot of things, including proper muscle metabolism.
Another tried and true muscle builder, in addition to glutamine, is branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). The three BCAAs are leucine, isoleucine and valine. These three amino acids are signified as branched-chain because of the molecular configuration between them. Because of this connection, it is important that supplementation of these three amino acids occurs in conjunction with each other and also occurs in a very specific dosage and ratio.
The three amino acids that make up BCAAs make up one-third of muscle protein. BCAAs are a vital substrate for glutamine, and are released in large quantities during intense exercise. Hence, the reason why supplementing BCAAs and glutamine at the same time makes a lot of sense. Furthermore, BCAAs are used directly for fuel by muscles, and that spares other amino acids from being catabolized. Supplementing with BCAAs is going to produce a noticeable effect on your ability to put on new muscle size and gain strength. Scientific studies show that supplementing with BCAAs increases athletic performance. Other studies also show that patients suffering from severe catabolic conditions (such as following an operation or some other type of severe trauma) lose less muscle mass (suffer less muscle catabolism) when they are fed high quantities of BCAAs. 4, 5
BCAAs are required for the proper formation and function of all kinds of proteins, including muscle tissue. They also play a key role in transporting fatty acids into muscle cells where they can be used as a source of energy. Also, this transportation of fatty acids
Bottom line -- If you're not already supplementing with glutamine and BCAAs, you should be. The expert opinion, real-world evidence, and scientific data which support glutamine and BCAAs supplementation is quite compelling.
House Of Muscle provides a superior way to supplement with glutamine and BCAAs. Our Recovery Orange supplement provides glutamine and BCAAs in the proper dosage to replicate the positive results supported by the scientific research alluded to above. Recovery Orange also supplies glutamine and BCAAs in conjunction with each other in a dosage ratio that is vital to obtain maximum results, as referred to above.

Each container of Recovery Orange provides 27 servings and each serving contains 2.75g of glutamine, 2.5g of leucine, 1.25g of isoleucine and 1.25g of valine. The retail price for one tub of Recovery Orange is $39.99. But, as a valued customer, you will not pay that price. Right now, we are offering Recovery Orange at a special low sale price of only $14.99 per container. That is a $25.00 savings off the retail price. Plus, if you buy 3 or more containers the price gets even lower -- you only pay $11.99. That comes out to a savings off the retail price of $28.00 per container. If you do the math, this means you are paying only $0.56 per serving if you buy 1 or 2 containers and only $0.44 per serving if you buy 3 or more containers. Believe me, paying pennies per serving for glutamine and BCAAs supplementation is one of the best investments in yourself that you could ever make.
Recovery Orange comes in a delicious orange flavor. (Try mixing Recovery Orange with vanilla flavored House Of Muscle 100% Whey Protein for a tasty creamsicle flavored treat.) It mixes easily without a blender for convenience. Great times to take Recovery Orange are post-workout (I take Recovery Orange mixed with vanilla House Of Muscle 100% Whey Protein after every workout.), first thing in the morning, between meals and before bedtime.
I challenge you to find a better price for a glutamine and BCCAs supplement that supplies these vital ingredients in the superior form provided by Recovery Orange. Plus, when you buy a House Of Muscle product, you know you are assured you are purchasing the highest quality supplements available on the market today.
Well, there you have it. The time to reach your true potential is now. Isn't it time to start the fantastic journey of self-discovery that awaits you. Train hard, eat right and take House Of Muscle supplements and you will reach your goal of building the lean, hard, muscular and strong body you desire. ORDER RECOVERY ORANGE TODAY!
Train Hard!
Joel Sward Founder of House Of Muscle ®
References Cited:
1 J. Lacey and De. Wilmore, "Is Glutamine a Conditionally Essential Amino Acid?" Nutrition Reviews 48 (1990) : 297-309.
2 E. Roth, et al., "Glutamine: An Anabolic Effector," J. Parent. Ent. Nutr. 14 (1990) : 1305-1365.
3 T.C. Welbourne, "Increase Plasma Bicarbonate and Growth Hormone After Oral Glutamine Load," Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 61.5 (1995) : 1058-1061.
4 B. Chua, et al., "Effect of Leucine and Metabolites of Branched-Chain Amino Acids on Protein Turnover in Heart," J. Biol. Chem.. 254 (1979) : 8358-8362.
5 G. Marchesini, et. al, "Anticatabolic Effect of Branched-Chain Amino Acid-Enriched Solutions in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis," Hepatology 2 (1982) : 420-425.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.